Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Abode

"My humble abode." Bleecchhhk. I cannot even talk about 'abodes' without automatically thinking of the notable Mr. Collins, from Pride and Prejudice, and how he goes on and on about "his humble abode" that Lady Catherine de Bourgh has so "graciously" provided for him. I don't have anything against the literary character of Mr. Collins as such. However, if you are like me and you immediately think of the greasy portrayal of this character in the 1995 BBC miniseries version, then you understand -and even further you feel- my aversion. 

By the way, I'm pretty sure all I need to do is say "Pride and Prejudice 1995" and just about all the people I know (my husband excluded) would know exactly what I'm talking about. There's comfort in that thought, there really is. 

While we're on the subject (I promise to move on shortly), have you seen this? 

"Swoon"- as one person put it.

In case you missed it (and how dare you be counted among one of my friends if you did), it's just a huge statue of Mr. Darcy in a London lake, because...why not? You can read more about it here.

But surely, I digress! I believe I was discussing our "humble abode" when I launched into the Pride and Prejudice talk. So yes. Linton Road, Oxford. M Block. I have discussed this but I haven't displayed photographs. Nor have I discussed the interesting thrifty ideas I have had since we got here. 

The thing about living in a foreign country is that suddenly, due to the expense of things, or the exchange rate which does you no favors, or simply off-your-rocker-craziness, you start to get thrifty in ways you didn't think possible. For example, I now hoard aluminum foil like a clever magpie. Not just because it's shiny (sorry, fellow magpies), but because when I pass it in the grocery store and note the price (and exchange rate calculations ensue), I get shivers that run a cool chill up and down my spine. Well played, aluminum foil. You have now taken over my life. Well, it's not really that bad, but some things are just too expensive to justify wanton use. Gone are the days where I use a long sheet of aluminum foil to cover a plate of leftovers and then carelessly toss it in the recycle bin or trash after one use - ha! The thought makes me want to get on my knees and plea with the gods of thrift.     

So I now save ever last scrap of the stuff. I rinse it off and air dry it, too. Why am I talking about this? Because this, my friends, is good old American waste-not want-not!  

I purchased this old bicycle basket for 25 cents at a charity sale, and it turns out it won't work on either of our bicycles. I was advised by my non-insane husband to just get rid of it, give it away. But we never got a wastebasket for the bathroom... So....Exhibit A: 

Guilty as charged.

I used a pound of mushrooms that I had purchased at the grocery store, and after using them up I noticed that they were in a green plastic container. I could recycle it. But I could also repurpose it! The storage in our bathroom is pretty bad, and prior to this moment I was constantly rummaging through a bag of disorderly makeup, until now:

Yes, it used to have mushrooms in it- but I promise I washed it twice!

Anyway, for those moments where you just can't bear spending money on something, I can help. I have more crazy ideas that haven't reached fruition yet. Luckily for me, Oxford's first few weeks are full of student giveaways and discounts. We have free coffee vouchers, free book vouchers, and some 20% off things as well. So there is a lot to live for. Generally, I'm enjoying this thrifty attitude, and I feel  somehow like I'm bonding with my ancestors who lived the Great Depression, only for me it's the Great Britain. 

So without further ado, here are some photographs of where we live!

The outside of our building, M Block. (Our place has the three windows on the right, on the top floor).

The view from our balcony, looking left (the building is L shaped, but called M Block, makes sense right?) This was the day the hot air balloon came out!

Our balcony:

Again, the front of our building. Our three windows are there on the top floor, left hand side now. (One of our bedroom windows is open):

A willow tree on the Wolfson College grounds, near the river:

The view from one of our building's windows as you go upstairs to our flat:

Bedroom desk:

Bedroom windows:

Our huge closet!

The living room (there are many, many more books on the shelves now that we have been to the library):

The kitchen (my celsius conversions are getting better):

A walking path down through the wood on the Wolfson grounds:

Our backyard:

 So that's that! About all the photos I have taken of our place so far. I am very pleased that we have goldenrod colored curtains, as it's one of my favorite colors. It's too bad we live in a newish building and not one of the Hogwarts-y places, but our place is very solid and well built and quiet. Also, since we are on the third floor, and you need two keys to get in the building and then into our place, it feels very SAFE. That's important. 


  1. Emily and I spent a good two hours walking around the lake trying to find the statue. Apparently it had been removed that morning. You can imagine her disappointment and comments about symbolism.

  2. Anyway, I hope you're settling in nicely. Loved the pictures and the reuse/recycle attitude. Looks like you've got some "proper" English countryside around you as well.
    I hope to come visit you both soon. And please let me know if you're ever on a weekend break or such in London.

    P.S. Now you live in the UK, you best adapt the correct term: Aluminium foil. ; )
